Hierarchical and Partially Observable Goal-driven Policy Learning with
Goals Relational Graph

Xin Ye and Yezhou Yang
Active Perception Group, Arizona State University

Accepted at CVPR, 2021

We present a novel two-layer hierarchical reinforcement learning approach equipped with a Goals Relational Graph (GRG) for tackling the partially observable goal-driven task, such as goal-driven visual navigation. Our GRG captures the underlying relations of all goals in the goal space through a Dirichlet-categorical process that facilitates: 1) the high-level network raising a sub-goal towards achieving a designated final goal; 2) the low-level network towards an optimal policy; and 3) the overall system generalizing unseen environments and goals. We evaluate our approach with two settings of partially observable goal-driven tasks --- a grid-world domain and a robotic object search task. Our experimental results show that our approach exhibits superior generalization performance on both unseen environments and new goals.

Demo Video


unseen environments seen goals

unseen environments unseen goals

Robotic Object Search in AI2-THOR

kitchen (toaster)

living room (painting)

bedroom (mirror)

bathroom (towel)

unseen environments unseen goals

Robotic Object Search in House3D

seen environment seen goal (television)

seen environment unseen goal (ottoman)

unseen environment seen goal (television)

unseen environment unseen goal (music)


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              author={Ye, Xin and Yang, Yezhou},
              title={Hierarchical and Partially Observable Goal-driven Policy Learning with Goals Relational Graph},
              booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
              month = {June},
              year = {2021}